Monday, July 18, 2011


I don't know how in all my catching up I forgot to mention our rabbit thumper...or "Thumpter" as Kaylee calls her. Kaylee really loves animals and we wanted to get her something that wouldnt be too much work (although the rabbit is a little more work than I would have liked). We got her about a month ago from a lady on craigslist who was giving her away. She came with a nice big cage and everything she needed to get her started at her new home. We decided that we would give it a trial run and if it just didnt work out we could give her away and we wouldnt be out any money. The kids both adore her so much that even if I wanted to I wouldnt be able to give her away lol. I dont absolutly love having her around...but its not that bad. The first night we got her I didnt realize just how fast they are and I let her down in the living room and Kyle scared her and she ran up under the couch LOL. So now we only let her run around on the porch so that there is nothing she can get into. She loves Kaylee and will let her pick her up and hold her and she loves John and will cuddle up in his lap. Kyle and I on the other hand she is not so crazy about. She is terrified of Kyle and runs from him and she always seems so uneasy when I am handeling her. It usually takes me about 15 minutes to catch her to get her back into her cage every time we take her out which is SUPER annoying haha....Oh the things we do for our kids :)