Monday, July 18, 2011

Homemade Baby Wipes

I love the Duggar family and a few months ago I was reading on there website that they make their own baby wipes to save money. I figured I would give them a shot and I ended up LOVING them. There are much cheaper than store bought baby wipes and in my opinion they work better. I thought I would post the recipe for those of you who wanted to try!!

You cut one roll of papertowels in half so that you have two toilet paper sized rolls. I have tried a couple different brands of pepertowels but found that Bounty works best.

Mix 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and 2 tablespoons of baby oil together

Put 1 of the papertowel halves in a large bowl and drizzle the mixture over them.

Let them soak for 30 minutes then remove cardboard from the center

After the 30 minutes I go ahead and tear them all apart and put them in an old baby wipe case so they will stay moist.

They smell and work great and I LOVE that I made them myself. I no longer have to rush to the store to get wipes before the next dirty diaper lol..I can just make some more :)


Kris said...

1 tablespoon of alchohol? Is that enough to kill the germs? Shouldn't there be an extra cleaning agent like some kind of soap? Sounds like a good idea though.

The Kirkland's said...

Oh I forgot the are supposed to add two tbsp of baby soap also.....oops!!

Kris said...

Haha ok, that makes more sense ;)