Friday, February 18, 2011

I think I can I think I can!!!

I have been struggling with losing my baby weight since well....about 3 years ago when Kaylee was born lol...I gained over 50 pounds with her and wasnt even close to losing it when I got pregnant with Kyle and gained needless to say I have a lot to lose. I have tried many different diets and I would stick to them for a few days and then give up!! Man it is hard to lose weight. But summer has come and I have promised myself that this time I am going to do it...I AM goingto get this weight off!! I started weight watchers a few days ago and I think that it is something I am going to be able to stick with...I have done the pasrt couple days with no problems and I dont feel deprived which is usually why I give up. I even took the kids to McDonalds thismorning to play and I made sure I ate before I got there so I wouldnt be as tempted and I did it...i got nothing. Those of you who know me well know that is a major accomplishment because McD's is my weakness!! I LOVE it. I have also been going to the gym and I took my firt ZUMBA class last was so much fun and a great workout. I loved it. I know that the weekend is going to be the hardest time of week for me, but I am praying that I will be able to stick with it because I really want to be able to wear my bikini at the beach this year lol....wish me luck!! I have 39 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I CAN DO THIS!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Girl

My sweet little girl has not been so sweet today!! In fact she has been the opposite..we are having a VERY rough day. The morning went fine but as the day progressed things went downhill. She had been asking to go outside and play all morning so I told her that after she ate lunch and cleaned her playroom I would take her out to play. Of course as soon as I mentioned cleaning her playroom the waterworks started...she HATES to clean her playroom!! It is like torture to her lol!! I told her there was no need to cry and if she ate all her lunch I would HELP her clean it. Next she cried because I wouldnt let her have doughnuts for lunch...what a mean mommy I am haha!! Her Gram brought over a dozen heart shaped valentines day doughnuts and she thinks that she should be able to have them for every meal until they are gone. We finally setteled on a ham and cheese lunchable and some blueberries...but after I got it all out on the table for her she didnt want that either so she cried....and cried...and cried!! I ended up just telling her to forget about lunch and we would move on to cleaning...She did get the playroom picked up although she cried the whole time. So I said we could go outside for a while thinking that would cheer her up. It worked for a little while but then she started crying about every little thing and I got frusterated and told her we were coming in to call daddy. I always threaten to call daddy but never have actually done it..but this time I had had enough. So I called daddy and he told her to go get in bed!! She cried for about two seconds and then passed out...I hope she wakes up happier. I want my sweet girl back!!


I finally got a new card for our camera so i can take pictures again...I am so happy!! I love taking pictures and I have felt like I missed so many memories not having my camera haha. I finally realized that it was just the card for the camera that was scratched up so we picked up a new one and it works great!! Here are some pics of the kiddos from thismorning...they had heart doughnuts for breakfast since its valentines day :)
"Happy Balentimes Day Bubba"Enjoying his breakfast :)Pretty girl

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Binky

I have a love hate relationship with these things..Heres the thing!! Both of my kids are completely addicted to them! And I kind of am too because without them my kids are cranky and dont sleep well!! My peditrician said that they need to be taken away when a child turns for Kyle to still have his is not a big problem but Kaylee will be 3 next it really needs to go. I have tried taking it away numerous times and she went a couple of weeks without it and I thought we were going to finally be able to break her, but somehow she ended up with it again!! I know that I need to take it from her but I keep coming up with excuses because I know how much she loves it and how hard its going to be for her. It is already starting to mess up her teeth and I know its time its just hard. So Ive been limiting her MOST of the time to having it only when she sleeps (although she is sitting here right now with one in her mouth). That is kind of working but since Kyle walks around with one all the time she ends up finding one or taking his.

The other night I decided that we were quiting cold turkey, this was mostly due to the fact that I could only find one and I had already put Kyle in bed with it!! So she went ahead and got in her bed...she of course kept asking me for it and I told her that I wasnt sure where anymore were but if I came across one I would give it to her. Well she sand and played and talked to herself for a while then after a while I realised I no longer heard her but now Kyle was up playing and screaming. I went in to see what his deal was and sure enough she had taken his binky and curled up and went to sleep. I didnt have the heart to take it from her while she was sleeping, but I couldnt find another one so Kyle ended up having to go to bed without one. He finally fell asleep although it took him a lot longer than it normally would have.

So I say all that to say this. I think in order for me to get it away from Kaylee I am going to have to get rid of them all together!!! I am SOO not looking forward to this and I am sure we are going to have a few sleepless nights and some miserable car rides but I know its gotta be done!!! So wish me luck. We are starting next week!! I decided I would enjoy my peaceful weekend before the torture begins!! haha

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My sweet babies just can't seem to stay well for more than about 2 weeks. I think we have been to the doctor at least once a week for the past month and a half. I took them yesterday because they both had really nasty coughs and fevers. They were acting fine, happy and playing, but I wanted to get them checked out before it turned into something else. Im glad I decided to take them because they both have bronchitis and ear infections. They have had so many ear infections lately...the doctor said if they keeo getting them we would have to talk about doing tubes. They had ear infections 2 weeks ago and were on antibiotics then I took them back last week for their re-check and they were I was shocked when she said Kyle had a very bad infection in one ear and Kaylee has infections in both of Kaylees ears was so bad it started bleeding when she put the thing in to look at was so sad!! I can't wait until summer time...we seem to have a lot less sickness around here when the weather is warm :)