Monday, September 14, 2009

37 weeks

Well I can't believe I am actually posting this..but I have made it to 37 weeks!! I never thought I would still be pregnant at 37 weeks. By this time in my pregnancy with Kaylee I had already had her and we were home from the hospital!!! I am so miserable!! I have had blood pressure issues and pre-term labor for over a month now...seriously when is this kid going to decide to come out?? My last doctors appointment was Friday and I ended up being admitted to labor and delivery for a few hours because of my blood pressure!! I had a sonogram and they said the baby looked great (I asked the sonographer to make sure he was still a boy and thankfully he is) haha!! Everything turned out to be okay and since my blood pressure came down to a safer level they let me come home. They did not want to induce since I wasn't quite 37 weeks (I was 36 weeks and 4 days). I was still only 2 centimeters dialated..I thought I was going to cry when the doctor told me that haha..I thought for sure that with all these strong contractions I would have changed at least a little bit!! Oh well. My next appointment is tomorrow and I am seeing one of the doctors that I really like. Since I am 37 weeks, if my blood pressure is still up..they will probably go ahead and induce..but who knows!! I had lots of very strong contractions all throughout the night last night and they were very close together, but I told John that I was not going back to the hospital until I was sure that I would be coming home with a baby LOL...I know he will be well worth all this misery and waiting!! Wont be long now until I am holding my sweet baby boy!!