Saturday, September 18, 2010

Twinkle Toes

I sure thought it would be a lot later in life that Kaylee started asking for something just because her friends had it lol...well I was wrong!! Last week she started telling me she was wanting something but I couldnt figure out for the life of me what she was saying. The next day we went to school and she pointed to a little girls shoes and said "Tinkel Toes"...I asked her if she was saying she wanted Twinkle Toes and she said "Yessss" So I just kinda laughed it off and said yea those are cute we will have to get some someday, thinking she would forget about it!! That afternoon that was all we talked about and I pulled them up online to see if she would recognize them and sure enough she did. I thought they were really cute but they were a lot more than we usually would spend on a pair of shoes for I told her to ask her she'd have to ask her daddy when he got home from work. Sure enough as soon as he walked in she said "Daddy I want tinkle toes" so I showed him what they were and we told her she would have to be good for a lot of days to get twnlke toes. So last night John was headed to the store and Kaylee said "bye daddy you going to the store to get my tinkle toes" he kinda blew her off and said we will see. So he finally found some that were on sale and Kaylee was ecstatic lol..she wanted to wake her brother up to show him and then she wanted to wear them to bed. I finally pried her off them before bed and as soon as she woke up thismorning she brought be some socks and asked for her tinkle toes!!!
You cant tell from the picture but they have really bright lights all down the sides and in the toes!!