Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kyle's First Birthday

Im a few days late, as usual, but Kyle turned 1 on Saturday. I can't believe more babies in our house!! We had a little family party for him Saturday afternoon and he got some cool toys and some cute new clothes. His favorite part of the party was smashing his cake..he had no problems digging in and getting messy haha...he started to cry when I took it away and then he realized that there was still cake all over the tray so he just started licking that off lol.

I took him to his 1 year old appointment on Tuesday and he weighed 23 1/2 pounds. I dont remember how tall they said he was but they did say he was tall for his age. They said everything looked great except his iron was low so he has to start taking polyvisol. Kaylee had to take the same thing when she was a little younger that him and she got better within just a few months. He had to get 4 shots and he hasn't been his normal happy self since then. He has been running fever and not sleeping at night so I'm hoping that he will be back to normal soon.

He is a GREAT eater...It amazes me how much this kid can eat..we are trying to get him on only solid foods instead of baby food because when he eats baby food he doesn't get full unless he has 5-6 big jars per meal. He loves peanut butter and jelly and he loves fruit. He doesn't give me problems about eating veggies like Kaylee did at his Im happy about that. He will eat pretty much anything I give him. He has 8 teeth now so he can chew pretty much anything!!

He isn't walking yet but boy is he a fast crawler. He stands and walks all around holding onto things and will stand by himself but he wont actually take steps. I think he could do it if he wanted to but he wont try because crawling is just faster...I don't think it will be long though!! He is such a sweet boy, I cant believe it has already been a year since he joined our family!!


chitchat with Mo said...

well cambree wasn't walking at her first bday either!! lol...i always heard the baby of the family would prob. do things faster, but not my baby!! haha...she was pretty slow on everything!

i can't believe he's 1 already! i'm glad ya'll had a good time:)