Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bumbo Seat

Kaylee got a new bumbo seat last week and she is really enjoying it. She can sit up really well in it and she loves to sit in it and watch TV..haha! We are going to have to limit her TV time when she gets older...she loves it. I got the bumbo seat to feed her in but she doesn't do to well yet sitting up and eating, she makes much less of a mess if I feed her in her bouncy thats what we do for now. We took the bumbo seat with us last weekend to Sonny's to see if she would sit in it while we ate..and what a wonderful idea. We put her in the seat on the table and she just hung out and looked around while we ate. Doesn't she look so cute in her seat..


The Broyles Family said...

Ugh you turkey, I brought my bumbo for you on the train because I thought you didn't have one and wanted it lol.