Friday, May 30, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

Today Kaylee had her two month doctors appointment and got her first set of shots. I was unable to get off of work so my mom took her for me (Thanks Mom). I wanted to be there but I wasn't too upset because I didn't really want to be in there when she got her shots anyways. I can't stand to see her upset. My mom said she only cried for a second then they were giving her the polio vaccine which is taken orally, she hushed right up....this kid will eat anything :) She weighs 12 pounds even and is in the 50th percentile for height and the 76th percentile for weight...chunky monkey!! The doctor said I can start giving her white grape juice...i'm sure she'll love it....and she can start eating fruits and veggies at 4 months. I can't wait for that!! She will go back to the doctor in July for her 4 month check-up and her next round of shots!! I wonder how big she will be by then?? I don't have any pictures since I wasn't able to go...but my mom said she has pretty sparkly band-aids so i will make sure I post a picture later :)


John and Michelle said...

Thank you for letting me hold her the other day!! I love little babies and they just don't stay little for long enough. She is precious.

I cried longer than my kids did when they got their shots. I hated it. Kudos to your mom for taking her!