Thursday, February 3, 2011


My sweet babies just can't seem to stay well for more than about 2 weeks. I think we have been to the doctor at least once a week for the past month and a half. I took them yesterday because they both had really nasty coughs and fevers. They were acting fine, happy and playing, but I wanted to get them checked out before it turned into something else. Im glad I decided to take them because they both have bronchitis and ear infections. They have had so many ear infections lately...the doctor said if they keeo getting them we would have to talk about doing tubes. They had ear infections 2 weeks ago and were on antibiotics then I took them back last week for their re-check and they were I was shocked when she said Kyle had a very bad infection in one ear and Kaylee has infections in both of Kaylees ears was so bad it started bleeding when she put the thing in to look at was so sad!! I can't wait until summer time...we seem to have a lot less sickness around here when the weather is warm :)


Judy said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry. I've been there. McKenna had an ear infection that started in August and didn't end until we finally got tubes in Jan. It was terrible. It's hard on mommies too, to have sick babies. And doctor co-pays these days are no laughing matter either. I hope everyone is on the mend and feeling happy and not fussy!! And I hope you're getting some sleep!!