Friday, February 18, 2011

I think I can I think I can!!!

I have been struggling with losing my baby weight since well....about 3 years ago when Kaylee was born lol...I gained over 50 pounds with her and wasnt even close to losing it when I got pregnant with Kyle and gained needless to say I have a lot to lose. I have tried many different diets and I would stick to them for a few days and then give up!! Man it is hard to lose weight. But summer has come and I have promised myself that this time I am going to do it...I AM goingto get this weight off!! I started weight watchers a few days ago and I think that it is something I am going to be able to stick with...I have done the pasrt couple days with no problems and I dont feel deprived which is usually why I give up. I even took the kids to McDonalds thismorning to play and I made sure I ate before I got there so I wouldnt be as tempted and I did it...i got nothing. Those of you who know me well know that is a major accomplishment because McD's is my weakness!! I LOVE it. I have also been going to the gym and I took my firt ZUMBA class last was so much fun and a great workout. I loved it. I know that the weekend is going to be the hardest time of week for me, but I am praying that I will be able to stick with it because I really want to be able to wear my bikini at the beach this year lol....wish me luck!! I have 39 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I CAN DO THIS!!!


Shea said...

I need to loose 40! I'm doing CrossFit with Buddy who instructs it and really making sure to watch what I eat. I was doing AWESOME until the holidays came and also with kids being sick, I'm just now getting back into it. Praying for you! Its gonna be tough but SO worth it! Love you.