Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Park

Sine my dad works from home a lot and he is on calls a lot I try to get the kids out of the house as much as possible so they aren't being loud while he is trying to work. There is a really nice park right up the road from us, Ed Austin Park..and we have been going a few days a week. Last week we even had a picnic at the park with Tracy DeLaCruz and her kids. Kaylee loves the park..and she is a lot braver than I thought she would be...she has always loved to swing but now she runs all over the playground and is not afraid to climb to the top of the biggest slide and come down all by herself. Most days the first thing that comes out of her mouth when she wakes up is that she wants to go to the park haha..she loves to meet new friends at the park and she even bribed a litle boy to share his skittles with her the other day haha!! Kyle also likes the park...he enjoys swinging and he likes to watch the other kids play.