Friday, June 18, 2010

9 Months old

I havent been as good as updating each month with Kyle as I was with Kaylee..I guess its a second baby thing haha. But today he is 9 months old. He has changed so much within the last month. He has always been a lot more laid back than Kaylee was and she started doing things a ot sooner than he did...but slowly but surely he starts trying new things. He only has two teeth so far. (I think Kaylee had about 6 at his age) but it doesnt stop him at all from munching on practically anything we have. The other day Kaylee was eating a hamburger and I looked away for a second and she started screaming...he had grabbed her whole hamburger and was trying to eat it. lol. He is finally sitting up now for long periods of time...I thought the boy was never going to sit...and he can also go from laying down to sitting up. Its so cute to watch him. He doesn't crawl normal..he does a sort of army crawl..but he is fast. He doesn't want to be held anymore..he just constantly wants to go go go!! He is also a screamer..not crying..but just screaming to hear his voice...and its loud. I am trying to break him of it because he of course does it at the most inconvenient times. He is a happy baby and loves everyone..he has the biggest smile I have ever seen. You can even make him smile while he is crying haha. He has extremely crazy looking hair and John and I have been debating shaving it for a while now because everywhere we go people are always talking about his fuzzy hair. He is a terrible sleeper..he wakes up at least twice every night..I should let him cry it out for a few nights like I did Kaylee..but its just easier to go in and give him a bottle or binky instead of letting him cry and wake her up. He got his first spankings a couple weeks ago (well if you want to call a pop on the hand a spanking lol) because he likes to mess with the buttons on the cable box at my parents house. I would tell him no and he would give me this big smile and do it I kept popping his hand and FINALLY he decided he would stop touching it...this is now a daily battle :) Overall he is such a sweet little guy and I wouldnt change a thing about him (ok maybe his hair) but other than that he is just awesome and I can't wait until he gets a little older and I can tell more about what his personality is going to be like!!