Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kaylee 17 Months

One month from yesterday Kaylee will be a year and a half crazy how time is flying by. I was leaving labor and delivery last night (long stort) and I was telling the nurse who was walking me out how it seems like just yesterday I was there having I am getting ready to do it all over again. Doesn't seem possible!!

Kaylee is growing up so fast..we are still working on her behavior and our biggest thing is consistency..I am hoping sooner than later she will realize who is in charge!! She is having trouble sharing with her friends and she will snatch toys from them and say "don't touch it". Its really funny to hear her say it and the look on her face..but I have to make her give it back them she will give them a kiss and pat them on the head..its so funny!!

She is doing great in her toddler bed..she has been waking up about once a week in the middle of the night but she doesn't get out of bed. She just sits there and cries until I go in and get her. She will come out of her room in the morning time if I do not get her as soon as she gets up. I sleep with the baby monitor on so I am usually in there before she makes it out of her room..but we also put a gate up at the top of the stairs just in case she gets out!! She still takes naps in her swing...her feet almost drag the ground and her head touches the bar at the top...but she loves it and sleeps for hours at naptime so I haven't tried to break her of it yet. I am waiting until after the baby is born.

She is finally starting to talk more...I didn't think she would ever get here HAHA..she knows "mama", "dada", "Kate", "Mami", "Lori", Papa", "Jade"(her best friend) by name and she will usually say them but not always. She also says ball, stop, cuppie (when she wants her sippy cup), don't touch it, yes, no, baby, up, thank you..and a few more that I can't think of now!! I am still working with her on asking for what she wants by name instead of pointing or just shaking her head.

She is being extremely picky lately with what she will eat!! Some days she refuses to eat much at all. I was worried about this at first but I have been reassured by many people that she will eat if she gets hungry enough!! I make sure she has plenty of milk and juice throughout the day and I give her vitamins so at least I know she won't be dehydrated!! We have found lately that if we give her something to dip her food in like ketchup or ranch she will at least that works some of the time!!

Well I guess thats about all for this month..Kaylee is getting excited for her brother to come..we talk about it every day! She loves to lift up my shirt and kiss my belly..its so sweet. Hopefully she will be a nice big sister!!