Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby Kyle Update

Haven't shared what has been going on with me and baby Kyle these days so I thought I would give everyone a breif update.

As I mentioned before in a previous post I have pre-eclampsia with this pregnancy just like with Kaylee and it cause my blood pressure to jump around a lot and it sometimes gets very high...well my past few appointments my blood pressure has been under control but then last week I started feeling bad and it was due to my blood pressure going back up. I went in to the doctor and she checked me out and ordered labs and sent me on my way. We found it a little odd that she sent me home because usually if my blood pressure is high they like to watch me for a while and run some tests on the baby to make sure that it is not affecting him...but she didn't do any of that!!

That evening my blood pressure got really high (almost as high as when I was induced with Kaylee) so I calld back to make sure that it was still nothing to worry about and make sure they didn't want to see me. She said to take it easy for the night and come in and get checked out the next morning. I was baffled..but said okay!! The nxt morning I went in and saw a different doctor. He was very upset that the previous doctor has not asked me to come in and had not even checked out th baby. He did a check on the baby and everything looked fine with him. The labor and delivery nurse told me that we were at a point now that if my blood pressure gets too high and they think it is safer to deliver then they will go ahead and do so!! Talk about freaked out...I am definentally not ready for him to come yet. So after my blood pressure went down they let me come home and said to return in two days for another check.

When I went back in on Friday my blood pressure was not as high as it had previously been but the doctor wanted to go ahead and get some measurements on the baby so that if they do have to deliver soon they will know what they are dealing with. Baby Kyle is roughly 3 1/2 pounds and he is head down. The doctor was pleased with his size and said that if they do have to deliver very soon he will be fine..he will probably have to stay a little while until his lungs mature and he wouldn't beable to come home until he reached about 5 pounds.

I am 32 weeks today and they are hoping to hold off on delivery until 35 or 36 weeks if my blood pressure is stable enough. So I can't believe that I will be delivering this little guy in 3 or 4 weeks. I have a lot to get done these next few weeks. My next appointment is Friday unless I need to go in before then. I will give everyone a new update then..Also we got Kyle's nursery finished so I will be posting pictures of that shortly!! Stay tuned.


Shea said...

Oh Honey..I'm so glad you have family there with you! I will be praying for you super hard. Keep that baby in as long as possible! 3 pounds is so little! :) Of course, you know that! Love you!