Saturday, May 28, 2011

May Update

Our home computer has been broken for over a month now making it hard for me to update the blog and impossible for me to post pictures. But i thought it was time for an update. We have been keeping busy around here and are enjoying this nice warm weather. The kids are both doing great and loving life.

Kaylee has been 3 now for a few months and is no longer a baby...she talks ALL the time and sings non-stop. She has a major attitude that gets her in trouble quite often but can be a sweetheart when she wants to be. She tells me all the time that her daddy is her best friend and that I can be her best friend another day haha. She loves her bubba and always wants to be around him even though they are usually fighting lol. She has told me several times that she wants to give Kyle back and get a new tiny brother that she can hold. She wants him to be her baby and let her rock him and wrap him in blankets but of course he wants nothing to do with that. She still hates the doctor and will cry if you even mention taking her there...she probably needs to go for her 3 year check-up but I just haven't been able to bring myself to take her and go through the ordeal haha. She was in my cousin Katelyns wedding a few weeks ago and surprised us all. I kept telling Katelyn that I didn't think she was going to walk down the aisle and that she may want to choose someone else but she wanted Kaylee..I was sure it was going to be a disaster and she would cry and make a scene but she proved me wrong. During the rehearsal the night before she cried and wouldn't walk down the aisle but the day of the wedding she grabbed her basket and told me I could go sit down because she was going to be the flower girl and sure enough she was the cutest most perfect little flower girl lol. She loves to be outside and play on her swing set and go on bike rides. She is finally becoming a less picky eater but most of the time it is a struggle to get her to eat something healthy.

Kyle is 20 months old and is my wild child haha. He is completely opposite from Kaylee in every way. He is a climber and isn't scared of anything...he is perfectly content playing on his own in his room and doesn't need anyone to entertain him. He also loves to go outside and play and go on bike rides but would much rather be riding on papas mini bike lol. He went for his surgery for tubes and to get his adenoids removed a few weeks ago but they ended up only doing the tubes because the doctors didn't think he was healthy enough to do the adenoids. Since the tubes he has been doing sickness and a much happier boy. He still isnt talkin much but he will try to repeat things sometimes. I am VERY anxious to potty-train him so I have started having him sit on the toilet sometimes but he is no where near ready yet to ditch the diapers. He enjoys playing with his sister sometimes but I usually trying to aggravate her by taking things from her or hitting her or pulling her hair. Typical little brother. He is finally at the age where I know he understands what he is doing so the discipline wit him is beginning. Kaylee loves that she isn the only one to get in trouble anymore haha!!

We are looking forward to a fun filled summer and hopefully soon I will be able to post pictures of our latest adventures :)