Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Festivities

We kicked off our Thanksgiving celebrating last Friday at school...we had a schoolwide Thanksgiving Feast and it was so much fun!! Pastor T and the kitchen staff made a big traditioal thanksgiving dinner and all the kids invite their parents and siblings and we have a big feast. All the classes do different thanksgiving crafts and that is what the table are decorated with. All the teachers have to serve, so my mom and dad came to sit with Kaylee and her class. (Kyle's class did not participate) It was so much fun!! Kaylee made a little indian hat that she wore and she made a placemat with her hands and there was a little picture of her sitting at her spot that her teacher had made!! It turned out really nice and everyone really enjoyed it!!

Then yesteday on Thanksgivig day Johns family came over and celebrated with us. Rene' made all the food and brought it over. It couldnt have been any easier for us :) Everything was really good and we even had a honey baked ham, my favorite, Ive already had some this morning haha. After lunch we went outside and spent the rest of the afternoon putting up Christmas decorations. Well, John put them up and the rest of us sat around and watched!! Kaylee loved the christmas lights..she kept telling everyone "my daddy got these for me" lol. Kyle fell of his little riding car and got a big scrape on his forehead :( It was his first big bobo!! He is tough though..he barely even cried. After it got dark we came in for round 2 of food and some sweet potato pie. It was a really nice day and we all enjoyed ourselves!!

I can't believe thanksgiving is already over and we are quickly approaching Christmas..this is my favorite time of year and its flying by :) I have pictures from yesterday but Kyle misplaced my camera last as soon as I find it I will add them to this post!!