Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Home with Sick Babies

Today I am home from work with two sick babies so I figured while they are resting I can do a quick update!! I wish I was doing a better job about updating my blog...I love having it to look back on and remember the details about different things...I used to be much better about it and I know I am going to regret not documenting as much!! But anyways, like I said...both kids are sick with colds..they were both running fevers throughout the night so I decided it was best they didnt go to school today!! We are off school tomorrow for Veterans day so they should have plenty of time to rest and recover before we go back on Friday. John and I both have colds too..I think its the weather. One day it is freezing and the next day its hot. The cold weather came out of no where and I was not prepared for it at all!! I didnt realize that Kyle didnt have a jacket that fit so he had to wear one of Kaylees jackets and hats to school last week...I felt bad but he didnt mind :) (We went and got him a new hat and jacket that night haha)

We are all settled in our new house and we love it!! The kids love having a playroom again and they spend lots of time playing together in it!! They are starting to play better together now that Kyle is older. They do fight over toys all the time which gets annoying, but they enjoy eachothers company. If Kyle is taking a nap Kaylee will constantly ask where he is and if she can go and get him up because she wants to play with him. Kyle doesnt mind playing by himself but he thinks Kaylee is very funny so he likes when she is around. He is walking all over the place now and he is so proud of himself...yesterday he mastered walking down the small step to the playroom and he had the biggest smile on his face. He is so funny!! Kaylee is also very proud of him..whenever he walks across the room she claps and says.."look Bubbas walking"

Kaylee seems so grown up these days. She talks non-stop and amazes me with some of the things she comes up with. She still loves school and she is so proud of all of her work she does. They send all her papers from the week home on friday and before we can even get to the car she has her folder out of her backpack so she can show me everything she did. They are learning what sounds the letters make and I was suprised that she could actually remember them. She knows the sounds of the letters A, B, F, M, and Z. The letter B is her favorite and she is always walking around the house saying "B says buh" she loves finding things that start with the letter B. I love seeing her learn! Since we moved she has been responsible for keeping her playroom clean and that is NOT one of her favorite chores...she also has to put her and Kyles clothes in the hamper and throw the diapers in the trash for me..and she loves helping with those things. But when it comes to cleaning her playroom (which we do multiple times a day) she isnt a a big fan. She cries and tells me that she needs help or that Kyle made the mess not her..she pulls out every excuse she can think of. Sometimes she will even tell me she is sick lol. When we throw out her options or cleaning or going to bed she will usually get it done!! HAHA.

We are getting excited for the holidays...I am especially looking forward to this Christmas because both of the kids are old enough this year to enjoy it!! This is my favorite time of year by far...I love the cool weather, I love Christmas music and Christmas trees, I love everything about Christmas...I would start decorating now if John would let me haha!! I guess we have to get through Thanksgiving first!!