Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Toddler Bed

With the new baby coming we decided to go ahead and get Kaylee a toddler bed so we could move her crib to Kyles room. We picked it up Monday and put it in her room but she hasn't slept in it yet because we haven't finished babyproofing her room yet. She of course noticed the bed as soon as she got to her room and was so excited to play in it. She kept going back upstairs to get in it.. It was so cute how excited she was. I am going to try letting her take naps in it first and see how she does.. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have her room finished and she can sleep in it all night. We are praying for a smooth transition.


The Burkes said...

crossin' my fingers for her to do good in the big girl bed!!! :o)

Judy said...

Oh my...McKenna would LOVE that bed. She loves Dora. I'll bet she'd stay in it just because it's Dora. So how's the transition going?