Friday, June 26, 2009

Blood Pressure Issues

Well as many of you know I had pregnancy induced hypertension at the end of my pregnancy with Kaylee which caused me to be induced at 36 weeks. For the first half of this pregnancy my blood pressure was great so I didn't think I would have any problems this time around, but as soon as I hit the second half my blood pressure started going up. At my appointment about a month ago it was a little higher than they liked so they wanted to start seeing me every two weeks so they could monitor me a little closer. Then last week on Tuesday, I wasn't feeling well and I decided to take my blood pressure and it was 159/131. I immediately called the doctor and they told me to come in right mom or Katelyn usually stays with the kids for my doctors appointments but they were both out of town, so thank goodness my mother in law was available to come and sit with them.

By the time I got to the doctor my blood pressure had gone down a little but they were still concerned so they sent me to labor and delivery for testing. They wanted to admit me but I convinced them to send me home since my family was out of town and I needed to make arrangements for all my daycare kiddos. They let me go home after 4 hours of monitoring but told me I had to go back Thursday morning to be re-checked.

Thursday morning when I got to the doctor my blood pressure was up again and they wanted to admit me for 24 hour testing to rule out severe pre-eclampsia. They let me go home for a few hours to get my things together and then I headed back that afternoon. They released me and said that I do have pre-eclampsia and they want to watch me very closely so that it does not turn into severe pre-eclampsia. There is not much they can do for me except watch and wait the only cure is delivery of the baby. I am on bedrest from 12:00-6:00 every day and I will see the doctor each week until they decide to deliver. My doctor said to be ready because at any point they can decide to deliver if they feel me or the baby is in danger.

So thats whats going on with us. I did my glucose test on Monday and will be getting the results of that back this morning at my doctor visit. I will upate later if anything changes. Please keep us in your prayers that my blood pressure can be controlled at least until I hit 35 weeks ( I am 26 26 weeks now).


John and Michelle said...

I'll be praying for you girl. I'm adding you to my list now. Please do what they say and take care of YOU.