Wednesday, August 27, 2008

5 Months Old

It seems like yesterday I was posting that Kaylee was 4 months old. I can't believe another month has already passed. Month 5 was so much fun. Kaylee's personality is really starting to come out and we are having a blast with her. She is sleeping all night again which is VERY nice and she is still eating like a champ!! She is eating stage 2 foods now which is good because there is a much bigger variety of things she can have. Her favorite veggie is still sweet potatoes and she also really really likes bluberries and apples mixed. As I posted previously, Kaylee got het first tooth about a week ago which is so exciting. Every day it is coming in more and more..won't be long until you can see it when she smiles. Kaylee has been going in the chruch nursery every Wednesday and Sunday and she is doing great, the workers always tell me that she is so good and they feel bad because they don't have to do anything with her the whole time like some of the other kids...Good job Kaylee!! It has been such a fun month and we are so blessed to have Kaylee in our lives. I will be catching up on pictures in the next few posts.


Amanda Bazan said...

I can't believe that she is that old already!!!! I really do need to meet her. Congrats on Johns new job. I bet you guys are really excited.
I do have an assistant, but she is not going to stay in the room with me. She will be mine and another teachers at the same time. She will just run arrands and relieve for potty breaks... all the good stuff. Oh, she also gets to take the kids to the bathroom. Yeah... I dont have to.. j/k.
It's so funny, the pictures of Kaylee remind me so much of when you were watching kay. She's lucky to have you, girl!!!!

Judy said...

Hi Lauren,
I'm so glad you posted a comment on my blog! It's going to be fun to have another blog to check of someone with a baby almost the same age as McKenna. I looked through your blog yesterday and after seeing a picture of Kaylee drinking from a cup I decided to give it a try with McKenna. Most of it ended up all over her shirt, but she was definitely excited about it! Kaylee is a little cutie! The first six months sure do fly by. I'm going to be posting 7 month pictures soon. YIKES!
Anyway, it was great to "meet" you! I'm glad you've been checking in with us!
Blessings, Judy