Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Tooth

The last few weeks we have noticed that Kaylee has started drooling a lot more and chewing on everything she can get her mouth on. (Including us..haha) Thursday night when I went to put baby orajel on her gums she bit down and I felt something of her botom teeth has poked through her gums. I could not believe it since it was not there when I had felt just a few days ago. I was not able to get a picture of it becasue it hasn't come in all the way yet so you have to pry her mouth open to be able to see it. She has really been a trooper though...she didn't seem to be to bothered by it. I am hoping within the next couple of weeks it will come in more and I can get a picture to post!!!


The Burkes said...

Yay for the first sweet. I'm glad she's not bothered by it! Thanks for taking care of my sweet girl this past Sunday in the nursery...can you believe I cried (how embarrassing). It was good to meet you. I'm sure we'll see each other soon! ~Erin Burke

The Broyles Family said...

Thats so cool! I'll be looking for it when we hang out today! She's early! Brendan didn't get his first until late in his 6th month. Or it may have been 7th I can't quite remember. Thats good! The earlier the better I say because you can get through it quicker lol. Brendan's working on his canines now...ugh.