Monday, June 30, 2008

Worn Out

As you can tell by the pictures, Kaylee had a big day Sunday. We woke up early and went to the Pancake House for breakfast before heading off to church, Kaylee went in the nursery for the first time with all her little friends...she was too busy in there to take a nap. After church we headed to lunch at Nana and Papa's for a late Father's day get together. After lunch, we hurried home so John's parents could come by and hang out with Kaylee for a little while. She had such a fun day visiting with everyone that she didn't even take a nap. By the time everyone had left Kaylee was exausted, she fell asleep at 6:30 and I couldn't even wake her up to bathe her. She even stayed asleep while I changed her into her pajamas...poor baby!! The pictures are her sleeping on this big bean-bag chair we have...she looked so comfy!!