Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ear Tubes and Adenoids

We have been having some computer issues around here lately so I haven't been able to update but my poor boy has had a lot going on!! He has always had issues with his ears and has had lots of infections but this year it has gotten worse. Since January he has had ear infections that we can't seem to get rid of. He has had numerous antibiotics and shots and nothing seems to help so his pediatrician recommended that we take him to an ENT. He went for a hearing test also because she thought all the ear infections were probably affecting his hearing and she was right. He has so much fluid in his ears that he is having a very hard time hearing and she thinks is also why he doesn't talk much. The ENT doctor said that he is a good candidate for the tubes and that she also wants to remove his adenoids at the same time because Thayer are holding infection and causing him to be sick all of the time. Poor little guy just can't catch a break. But we couldn't ask for a better boy...even through all of this he is still always smiling and just as happy as can be. They weren't able to get him in for surgery until May 10th so right now we are just trying to keep him as healthy as possible. Last weekend he started having issues with his eyes draining really bad and they got so swollen he could barely open them..his pediatrician has assured us that having these procedures is going to make a huge difference for him. It is always scary when your baby has to be put to sleep for surgery but we know that God is in control and are praying that this will help him be a healthy happy boy :)