Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Little "Helper"

This boy is ALL over the place these days!! He is all boy and full of energy. He thinks he is grown now and doesnt want me to help him do anything lol. He LOVES to be outside and will stand at the back door and cry until we take him out. He knows exactly what to do to get what he wants!! He gets hurt all the time trying to climb on stuff and do things hes not supposed to...but hes tough, he barely ever cries!! Johns dad says we should make him wear a helment because he is constantly falling and hitting his head!! He tries to do everything that he sees Kaylee do. The other day he saw her with the broom and dust pan so when she put it back he went and grabbed it and was walking around the kitchen with it. He would scream when anyone came near him because he didnt want anyone to take it from him lol...He is a little handful..but I wouldn't trade him for the world!!

For some reason blogger isnt letting me add pictures to my once I figure out what is going on then I will try to add the pictures!!