Friday, February 26, 2010

"I bwoke it mommy"

Well the third and final swing we had in the house is now broken!! For those of you who didnt know Kaylee has been obsessed with her baby swing since she was little and never grew out of liking it lol. Once she got to big for the batteries to swing her she learned to swing herself in it and thats how she would get herself to sleep. Well a few months ago I heard a loud noise and when I went in her room I found her on the floor in her swing and it was broken...she was sad, but I was kind of releaved since she was really way to big for it anyways. Well...since I do daycare, we had two more of the same swing that she loved SO much, so after a few days I caved in and put another one in her room and she wasa happy camper. That one lasted a little over a month and a few weeks ago I sent her to her room to take a nap and she wasn't up there very long when I heard a crash and I knew exactly what it was. Sure enough the swing was broken. So I debated about putting the third and final swing we had in there but eventually caved in AGAIN and put it in her room. Last night I put her in her room to go to bed and she of course climbed into her swing like she does every night..but it broke!! So, now we are out of swings and I felt bad for her because she was heartbroken...but in a way I am releived because now she has to sleep in her more caving in!! So last night me and her took the swings out to the trash and she said goodbye to them. She still looks for them when we go in her room, but she slept in her bed all night last night with no I guess it was really a blessing that our last swing finally broke!!!