Monday, February 2, 2009

Stair Climber

We are really having a tough time keeping Kaylee off the stairs these days. Our stairs are uneven at the bottom so we have not been able to find a gate that fits so instead I have been putting a Rubbermaid container at the bottom. Up until now this has detoured her but this week she realized that she could move it and up she's hilarious but frustrating at the same time because every five minutes she is climbing up them. Here is a video of her climbing today.


Judy said...

That little Kaylee is impressive! Thankfully McKenna still sits/stands at the bottom of the steps and fusses until I come to get her! I've got a gate on the stairs that go down, but not one on the stairs that go up!

John and Michelle said...

She's figuring it all out! This age is so fun. I miss it sometimes. She is adorable.