Thursday, September 20, 2007

1st Doctors Appointment

So...I had my first doctors appointment on September 13th, well actually it was my second appointment, but my first appointment all they did was ask me some medical questions. So anyways, we got to have our first ultrasound and we were able to see our little peanut. I was so nervous that they were going to tell me it was twins, but thankfully she said that she saw just ONE little heart beating away! We were thrilled. We could see the legs moving around, and the heart beating, it was so cute. It was to early to actually hear the heart beat, but we will get to at my next appointment in October. We are hoping the we will get to find out the sex of the baby in November. I am almost 99% sure that it is a boy...but I guess we will have to wait and see. Neither of us care either way, as long as it is healthy. I just can't wait to know for sure so we can start buying cute little baby clothes!!!


Jason and Kim said...

I am so excited for you guys! Pregnancy and motherhood are the most wonderful things in the world. I can't wait until you can feel you're little one moving truly shows you that they are miracles from God. And by the way, I'm saving up lots of stuff for you so I hope your hunch is right and that it's a boy!!!! Hope to see you soon...I miss the Jackson Family!!!!