Monday, September 19, 2011

Pretty Please Designs

I have been making Kaylee's hairbows since she was really small and I have always thought about having a little side buisness selling them. I figured that I was going to make them for her anyhow so I might as well try to make a little money!! I never really got around to doing it until last week. I got a bunch of new ribbon just planning to make some new stuff for Kaylee and they turned out really cute. I showed them to John and he said that I really should think about making a facebook fanpage to try and get my name out I can up with a name "Pretty Please Designs" and started the fanpage. Within 2 days of starting the page I had over a 100 people like the page and even had a few orders. I am so excited about this!! I know this is not something that will make me millioms ;) But its something I really enjoy doing. If your interested in seeing some of my items for sale you can check out