Thursday, July 14, 2011

You smell like a.....

CRAB!!! Yep, thats what my sweet little angel told some old lady today in the walmart bathroom. She waited until the last minute to tell me that she needed to go to the bathroom and she was about to go in her pants so off we went running. Of course when we get in there all the stalls are full and there is a line. An older lady came out of a stall and it was finally out turn so we ran in behind her...before I could get the door closed Kaylee says (in her extremly loud voice) "ewww mom that lady smells like a crab!!" I was so embarassed and everyone in the bathroom laughed. I quietly asked her to hush and do her buisness but of course she kept elaborating and saying "did you smell that mom", "she did smell like a crab didn't she" lol...Thats the innocence of a child for ya haha!!


Kris said...

Bahahah. Love it. Too funny.