Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 Months

Sunday Kyle turned 10 months old...I can't believe he is so close to being a year old. No more babies around here!! Kyle is changing so much so fast. He is crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything!! He is absolutly FEARLESS!! He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth and will eat anything you give him!! He is really starting to enjoy playing with toys now and will sit in his room and entertain himself. Of course Kaylee thinks every toy in the house belongs to her so...the sibling rivalry has begun haha!! I am working on getting Kyle transitioned to solid foods..he has 4 teeth so I have been introducing more and more new things and so far he hasn't turned anything down. I love the convience of the baby food but he is getting to where he is too impatient for it and he makes a HUGE mess with it. Yesterday he had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and he ate it all..he loved it!! I am trying to get him weaned from his bottle..I hate bottles and I weaned Kaylee cold turkey at 9 months. So yesterday I decided to do the same thing with him...he hasn't had a bottle since early yesterday morning. I was a little worried how he would do going to sleep last night but he did fine...so I am pretty sure he is done with them. I haven't gotten rid of them yet just in case..but I think he is going to do fine!! I am so sad my babies are growing up so fast..but happy to see them learning and accomplishing new things. Excited to see what this next month will bring