Saturday, February 21, 2009


John has been in Minnesota the past two weeks for school and he just got back Thursday night..this was a very different experience for us because he has only been out of town one time since we have been married and that was only for 2 days. Kaylee missed him a lot and she talked to him every day. Every time she would say "dada" I would tell her that dada was bye bye so after the first week she was constantly saying "dada bye bye" and waving..haha it was so cute. Since I am not real big on staying home by myself we spent a lot of time at my mom and dads and then Ashlyn stayed with us on the nights she didn't have school. This was John's first time flying so he was a little nervous about catching his connecting flight in Atlanta but luckily everything worked out okay. He went to school all day during the week and they had the weekend off so he ended up going to the Mall of America which was about two hours from where he was staying..he said that the mall was so big that there was no way you could go through the whole thing in one day so he spent a little bit of time on each floor then spent the rest of his time in the nickelodeon amusement park thats inside the was very cold there, one day it was 8 degrees so he said walking anywhere was not much fun. He flew back in Thursday night and we were very glad to have him home with us...thanks to everyone who helped look after Kaylee and I while he was gone..we really appreciate it :)