Monday, August 11, 2008

Rolling Over

So Little Miss Kaylee has finally started rolling over, but she only does it in her crib when no one is looking. HAHA. She always sleeps on her stomach at night and for the past four nights, every time I have gone in to get her she has been laying on her back looking up at me's so cute. I've been trying to get a picture of it but she only does in when she is in her crib. Last night it was so funny, around 3:30 AM I heard music coming through her monitor that was not on when I put her to bed. I turned the monitor up and heard her laughing. I was a litle confused and also worried that someone was in her room because I knew she could not reach the button to turn the music on. I went in to check on her and she was on her back and she had her foot on the button that turns the toy on in her crib. Every time it would go off she would kick it with her foot to turn it back on and start laughing. It was histerical. Hopefully I will catch a picture of it soon.