Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So...all we found out at our sonogram last night was that we have a very stubborn baby. LOL. It wouldn't show us what it was so we have to wait until the 16th to find out. I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to knowing, But at least we only have to wait 10 more days. I am trying to put one of my sonogram pictures up but am having no luck so far. If I figure it out I will post it later.


Anonymous said...

Bummer!!! I talked to Beth the day she was doing the sonogram on you! I was really hoping you would find out!! Do you have names picked out yet? Well, I'll keep checking in to see what the verdict is!! Take care!

Dustin and Candice said...

Aww man! Well, the 16th is almost here. When are you due? Can't wait to read what it's going to be!