I can hardly believe that my princess turned 3 two days ago. John and I were talking the other night and we were saying that we feel like I was just finding out I was pregnant with her but then again we feel like we have had her forever haha!! Kaylee spent all of last week celebrating her birthday and she doesnt even realize that actually her birthday was only one day lol. We decided this year not to have a big party for her but instead we did a bunch of little things celebrating at different times with different people. We started out last Monday night at Chuckee Cheese. It was just John and I and Kaylee and Kyle and we had a blast!! We went right when he got off of work and it wasnt crowded at all. Both kids had a blast playing the games and Kaylee even got a little birthday cake!! Neither of the kids were too sure about Chuckee when he came out. They didnt cry but neither of them wanted to touch him and they made sure they knew where he was at all times. Then Wednesday we played with Kaylees best friend Michael at "Chickenla" (chick-fil-a). Friday we spend the afternoon with Grams then Saturday we spent the day with Michael again (per Kaylees request lol) Saturday night we had dinner and more cake at Johns parents house and the kids enjoyed playing in the yard. Then Sunday my Nana and Papa had another little party for her at the park!! Needless to say she has done a lot of celebrating and we are looking forward to a low-key week. She got lots of nice things for her birthday and her and Kyle have been entertained all morning going through all her new stuff :) She cried every time we someone sand happy birthday to her (not sure why) lol but then she would sing it to herself hen no one was around haha!! **Kaylee 3 year old stats** *She weighs 30 pounds and wears 3t clothes *She is an extremely picky eater and would rather eat nothing than eat something that is good for her *She LOVES to drink hot milk and has at least 2 glasses per day *She is fully potty trained and insists we check out the restroom EVERYWHERE we go *She loves her little binky and we are having an EXTREMELY hard time getting rid of it *She enjoys to color and paint and does so on a daily basis *Her favorite thing to do is be outside *Her favorite place is the Zoo!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Zoo
Now that the weather is warming up I am sure we will be spending lots of time at the zoo. We went almost once a week last summer and now that we live closer and have passes I am sure we will be there all the time. We went today with some friends (the Slegers) and we had a blast...its so much fun now that the kids are a little bigger and I dont have to spend the entire time taking care of a baby :) We thought the waterpark would be open but I guess it still has a few weeks before its up and running...it was definintly hot enough for it today!! The kids have so much fun running around and playing..I think they like all the little parks and things they can climb on more that they like seeing the animals. I keep Kyle in his stroller for as long as I can because once I get him out he does not want to get back in. I think Kaylee's favorite part is still the goats...I got Kyle out so he could go in and pet the goats and he wasnt so sure about it at first, but after he saw that his friend Cambree was touching them he figured it was alright!! We had so much fun and can't wait to spend many more summer days there!!
Posted by The Kirkland's at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Library
I took the kids to the library for the first time about a month ago. Kaylee LOVES books so she was in heaven..I quickly realized I had to give her a limit on how many books she could get each time because she was just grabbing handfuls and putting them in our bag lol...I let her get 10 books and she was thrilled!! They also have a little play area in the childrens section that the kids enjoyed..I told Kaylee before we went in that we had to be very quiet in the library and she did really well...of course Kyle was loud as usual haha..every time he would make a noise she would say "quiet bubba this is the libary" lol. She was a little upset the next time we went back when she realized that I was putting "her" books in the book drop. haha. She calmed right down when I told er we were going in to get a bag full of new books lol...We have been going about once a week and they are really enjoying it :) I'm so glad she enjoys reading!!
Posted by The Kirkland's at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Kaylee has been wearing her bathing suit around the house for weeks now and has been asking if its time yet to go swimming. So last Wednesday I told her we could take her swim stiff to Mami's and see how cold the pool was...it was cold...really cold, but Kayle didnt mind. She only stayed in a few minutes because no one wanted to get in with her but she enjoyed herself. This was Kyles first time getting in without being in a baby float. I put one of those little life jacket swin suits on him and a pair of water wings and he enjoyed splashing around on the steps. It was a little to cold for him and he only enjoyed it for a few miniutes before he got out and sat by the back door waiting to go in lol. Kaylee has been asking everyday of we can go swimming again..the girl loves to be in the water!! Im looking forward to Summer...they are going to have so much fun :)
He looked so cute in his swim gear!!Acting like she was going to jump in
The pool was to cold for him...he just waited patiently by the door until it was time to go in
Ready to take her "wing wings" off!!
Posted by The Kirkland's at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
Picnic Lunch
Today was such a nice day that I decided to let the kids have a picnic lunch. Kaylee couldnt believe it when I told her we were going to have lunch outside lol..Usually therule is we can go outside after we eat our lunch. Kyle seemed a little confused why I was taking the food outside but didnt really mind. As long as he is getting lunch he doesnt care where he eats it at lol!! They were so sweet eating together and playing nicely together. I love seeing them have fun together, and I love that it only takes something as small as a picnic for them to have such a great day!! They are such a joy!!
PB&J and cheeseballs!! Yummy!!She said I needed to take a picture of her becasue she is "Super Kaylee" haha
I should have known he wasnt actually going to sit at the table and eat
I LOVE this boy
Making sure he had the whole sandwich in his hands
I think someone is getting ready for a nap :)
Posted by The Kirkland's at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Kirkland's at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Jax Zoo Dino-Alive
Kyle wouldnt take his eyes off the dinos for a picture
Posted by The Kirkland's at 11:57 AM 0 comments